The week’s round-up of theĀ musical additives to my library life starts with the Low Anthem. It’s been a long time since I’ve been so intrigued by a song. This one explodes out of what is mostly a dreamy, drifting album.

It’s an interesting twist through a couple wisps of the American subconscious. Check out the lyrics. I usually don’t, but IĀ couldn’t resist on this one..

I’ve had a cold all week, so I’ve been a little more dower in spirits than normal. In such times, Billy Bragg and Wilco‘s Mermaid Avenue (a collection of re-imagined, unreleased Woody Guthrie songs) makes it onto my daily rotation. It’s uplifting, sometimes mournful, but start to finish just wonderful.

And, I’ll end with some classic stuff. Woody Guthrie is what he is. Go and find his Library of Congress Recordings, you’ll see. Anyways, this song is a shout out to the brothers and sisters of Wisconsin. The struggle continues.

Oh, and what the heck, one more.

One big union, people.