Archives for posts with tag: collections management

Have you returned your library books

Yesterday, I paid my overdue fines. I’ll be honest. It was a lot. It was enough to warrant the kindness of the staffer who graciously did not say aloud what I owed.

It’s not that the Ottawa Public Library’s fines are too high. They are, from what I can tell, on average. Some libraries, like the Chicago PL charge less. That’s not the point.

I don’t want to do away with fines, as some people would argue. But, is there another way? Read the rest of this entry »

Part of my heart is librarian, but another big part is a driven by design. And, I love to find ways to confine the two.

Inspired by Jamie Bolton‘s Minimalist Movie Posters, I started my own “Library Minimalism Project.” The idea is to take issues and facets of library and information science and reduce it down to it’s brass tacks. And then, express it visually as simply as possible.

These are the first two:

There is something to be said for considering parts of our field at a very distilled level. So far, it has been illuminating to boil down what are essentially complex and sometimes abstract ideas.

Check these out. I’ll be posting more as I finish them!